updated his Top 10 Best iPad Apps a while back. My list is significantly different, probably because my job is quite different, so I thought I would publish my list. These apps, except numbers 6 and 10, I feel pretty passionate about. That is, I like to use them and without them, I wouldn’t be using my iPad for business.

The apps are listed in order of importance.

1) GoodReader – As I mentioned in my post on GoodReader, this is more than just a reading application. It is a file system for the iPad. More details in the post Goodreader Essential Application for Business Use of iPad.

2) Sugarsync – Automatically all my work files from my laptop are sync’d to a cloud server and available from the iPad. More details on my previous post, Sugarsync Essential iPad Business APP.

3) Toodledo – My personal and business task management application.

4) Evernote – Great for taking notes just about anywhere. Has a Mac and PC client as well as a cloud service to keep everything in sync.

5) Salesforce – Although this is an iPhone app, it gives me access to the vast amount of account data I need to deal with in my sales role.

6) Mail, Calendar, Contacts – I have been using these applications of course.

7) TripIt – just e-mail your various travel confirmations you receive by e-mail and it automatically builds an itinerary for you. Also provides travel alerts, gate changes, etc.

8) Kayak HD – Best ever search engine for flights, hotels, and cars

9) MobileRSSFree – I keep up on the enterprise search industry and other news related to my job through RSS feeds. This app does a good job with synchronization for offline reading.

10) iWork – Yes boring, but necessary.

Have you found an app that you can’t live without that isn’t on my list or on Paul’s extended list?