iPad for Business

Top 10 Best iPad Business Applications

Paulsipad.com updated his Top 10 Best iPad Apps a while back. My list is significantly different, probably because my job is quite different, so I thought I would publish my list. These apps, except numbers 6 and 10, I feel pretty passionate about. That is, I like to use them and without them, I wouldn’t be using my iPad for business.

The apps are listed in order of importance.

1) GoodReader – As I mentioned in my post on GoodReader, this is more than just a reading application. It is a file system for the iPad. More details in the post Goodreader Essential Application for Business Use of iPad.

2) Sugarsync – Automatically all my work files from my laptop are sync’d to a cloud server and available from the iPad. More details on my previous post, Sugarsync Essential iPad Business APP.

3) Toodledo – My personal and business task management application.

4) Evernote – Great for taking notes just […]

GoodReader: Essential Application for Business use of iPad

Other than multitasking and printing, file management is the biggest complaint you hear about the iPad. For me file management on the iPad was one of the biggest issues I had until I started taking full advantage of GoodReader. My goal, which I have accomplished, is to replace my laptop for business travel with the iPad. GoodReader filled an important gap in the iPad’s base functionality that makes it possible to use it for business while traveling.

I originally installed GoodReader for reading PDFs. I quickly found that its real purpose in life is a file manager. You can view files (PDF, Word, PPT, HTML, JPEG, etc), download files from the web and your e-mail accounts, access files in cloud storage, e-mail files and turn you iPad into a wireless disk for access from any computer on the local network. I will go into each of these in more detail since none of the information I have been able to find on the Web does a good job revealing the full benefits of this application.

Wireless Access to your iPad.

After you start up Goodreader look to the bottom right side of the screen you see the standard WIFI symbol. Click […]

iPad Day 1 – Access to Files While On the Go

For the iPad to become my primary travel business device i must be able to access my files. I purchased the 64G version of the iPad to make sure I had enough storage for everything on my laptop, however getting the files on to the iPad was a bit of a trick. Sure there are several ways to make this happen but which one would solve the problem in the way I wanted it to work.

What I want is the ability to automatically sync files to the iPad from my desktop Mac and laptop PC. If a file is changed on any one of the three platforms (Mac, PC or iPad), the file is change on the other two platforms, automatically.

I downloaded Goodreader and PDF Reader Pro first. These both allow you to download files when you are tethered to a computer, but only as files. That is, you can’t tell it to load an entire directory. This isn’t going to work for me. They also allow you to connect to the iPad over your wireless network, mounting it like a network drive. This will allow you to copy entire directories. I tried three or four more of these types […]

2017-05-25T18:08:58-08:00Tags: , , , |
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