Skydeck – Analytics for Mobile Conversations

I am glad I made it into the first 500 people invited to use Skydeck, analytics for mobile phone conversations. After reading the basics about it the night before I couldn’t wait to get into the Beta. I am in sales and I use my Blackberry as my primary communication device. I don’t have an office phone, I use my cell phone exclusively. 

I am always looking into new ways to get analytics on my communications with my customers to enhance my effectiveness as a Sales Professional. Relying on my memory and the notes in our not so great CRM solution really isn’t the best way to keep track of the phone communications I have with my customers. Having a program that will combine my address book with my cell phone usage giving me analytics for mobile usage can be a very useful tool for me.

Skydeck is Web application plus a plugin for Firefox, which adds a toolbar. It installed itself error free on my Mac Pro. Next I connect Skydeck to my AT&T wireless account by providing my cell phone number and password. It reported that it was downloading my […]