
iPad Tip: iOS Calendar Time Zone Support

This problem has been described to me as “Time Shift” by X number of hours, where X turns out to be equal to the time zone difference between the purchaser of the iPad and Cupertino. This article clarifies the configuration option,  iOS calendar time zone support. It has also been described as “my events don’t change to my new time zone when I am traveling.” I first noticed it when I left my home time zone, which happens to be the same as Cupertino, where Apple’s HQ is. All my meetings where still in my home time zone, not the time zone I had traveled to.

This time shift is caused by an option in the iOS calendar settings call “Time Zone Support.” When I saw this option I assumed it should be on. Who wouldn’t want time zone support when changing time zones? However, instead of making sure my calendar adjusts my events to the new time zone, it keeps them in my defined home time zone defined for calendars.

To change it go to Settings->Mail, Contacts, Calendars->Time Zone Support (down at the bottom) you can turn the Time Zone Support feature on and off. Off means the calendar events will […]

2013-05-09T22:28:20-08:00Tags: , |

SugarSync: Essential iPad Business App

I recently wrote an article which described how I picked SugarSync as my primary application for sharing data and cloud storage of my files. In this article, I will cover more about SugarSync and how I implemented the online storage program to not only create a great way to get files on my iPad when I am traveling but to also create a way to sync files between my work computer and home computer. Oh ya, I can also use it to read PDF and many other file formats.

First a little about my computing environment. I have a Dell PC Laptop for work. Two weeks after I received my iPad 3G I chained the PC Laptop to my desk at work and it hasn’t been moved since. At home, I have a Mac Pro which also has Windows XP running on VMware. I have 4 computing platforms and want to get access to my information when I am in front of one of the four.

A Cloud Storage service like SugarSync solves this problem as […]

GoodReader: Essential Application for Business use of iPad

Other than multitasking and printing, file management is the biggest complaint you hear about the iPad. For me file management on the iPad was one of the biggest issues I had until I started taking full advantage of GoodReader. My goal, which I have accomplished, is to replace my laptop for business travel with the iPad. GoodReader filled an important gap in the iPad’s base functionality that makes it possible to use it for business while traveling.

I originally installed GoodReader for reading PDFs. I quickly found that its real purpose in life is a file manager. You can view files (PDF, Word, PPT, HTML, JPEG, etc), download files from the web and your e-mail accounts, access files in cloud storage, e-mail files and turn you iPad into a wireless disk for access from any computer on the local network. I will go into each of these in more detail since none of the information I have been able to find on the Web does a good job revealing the full benefits of this application.

Wireless Access to your iPad.

After you start up Goodreader look to the bottom right side of the screen you see the standard WIFI symbol. Click […]

iPad Toodledo Task Management, Calendar, and Mail Part 2

In an earlier post, I wrote about my integration of Toodledo task management with my Outlook tasks. I have never been comfortable going to a pure Web-based task management system due to the amount of time I spend traveling, which equates to time not connected to the Internet. Flights are a good time to reflect on tasks and reorganize. The number of planes with WiFi or cellular data is still very low, so having an online only task management system can be limiting. However, the iPad Toodledo task management app solved this problem.

In fact, the Web-based task management tool in conjunction with the iPad app are so well done that I have stopped using Outlook Tasks altogether. When I am in the office I have Toodledo on the iPad open to view and take notes on tasks.

I have wanted to eliminate my addiction to Outlook for some time. Tasks have always been the key limiting factor. Now that Outlook Tasks has been replaced, I am one step closer to leaving Outlook.
When I first setup the iPad I configured only one calendar, Exchange. I read on the Apple support […]

iPad Day 1 – Outlook Data Integration & Toodledo

The iPad Arrives

I worked from home on April 30th to make sure someone (ok….me) was there to receive the iPad. It arrived at 11:15 am and I had to leave it in the box for the next 45 mins while I finished up some work items. Was that really the reason for the delay in opening it or was I afraid I would be disappointed. After all the hype and waiting 6 weeks since placing an order for it to arrive, would I open it and think “is that all it is – a big iPod?” Remember I wanted Mac OS on it, at least before I received it I did.

At noon I activated the iPad and ran a sync that downloaded all of my existing iPhone applications. Ran the update all applications from the app store, which not only updated the iPhone versions of the apps, it also upgraded the apps to the iPad version when available. Wow, what a difference seeing them in full screen. Even the doubling of iPhone format apps made a big difference in usability.

The second wow factor is the speed. The Web browser is very fast. Speedtest revealed my iPad was getting 6.8Mbps over […]

2017-05-25T18:08:56-08:00Tags: , , , |
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