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iPad Day 1 – Outlook Data Integration & Toodledo

The iPad Arrives

I worked from home on April 30th to make sure someone (ok….me) was there to receive the iPad. It arrived at 11:15 am and I had to leave it in the box for the next 45 mins while I finished up some work items. Was that really the reason for the delay in opening it or was I afraid I would be disappointed. After all the hype and waiting 6 weeks since placing an order for it to arrive, would I open it and think “is that all it is – a big iPod?” Remember I wanted Mac OS on it, at least before I received it I did.

At noon I activated the iPad and ran a sync that downloaded all of my existing iPhone applications. Ran the update all applications from the app store, which not only updated the iPhone versions of the apps, it also upgraded the apps to the iPad version when available. Wow, what a difference seeing them in full screen. Even the doubling of iPhone format apps made a big difference in usability.

The second wow factor is the speed. The Web browser is very fast. Speedtest revealed my iPad was getting 6.8Mbps over […]

2017-05-25T18:08:56-08:00Tags: , , , |

RSS Feed Location Change

Since I have been unable to get a response from Google to reclaim my feed after their purchase of feedburner, I have changed the RSS Feed for my blog. Please resubscribe.


BookMooch and Prisons

As you know from a previous posting, I have been using BookMooch to trade used books. This week I received a mooch from “Prison Book Program“.

A quick search directed me to the web site explaining this is a non-profit organization that gives books to prisoners. I had no idea this organization existed. BookMooch seems like a perfect way for this organization to get books.

BookMooch has a charity page that lists the prison program as well as several other charities you can give your points to. I am going to give them a point (worth a book) for the one they spent getting a book from me!

You are probably wondering what book they requested… “199 Great Home Businesses You Can Start (and Succeed In) for Under $1,000.”

Posted from SFO Airport

2017-05-25T18:09:05-08:00Tags: |

Outlining: What Google Docs is Missing

As a user of a PC at work and a Mac at home, I am always on the lookout for applications that will allow me to get my work done using my Mac when I work at home. Eventually I would like to follow many others and switch to a Macbook Pro as my work laptop. Google Docs is on the right track, however it is missing some basic functionality that will keep most people from migrating away from their Microsoft suite.

I am performing on-line research for a vertical market conference I will be attending . This conference is attended by many organizations made up of many subsidiaries. There are also complex collaborations and joint ventures between the companies. I need to create a document for myself as well as my coworkers to help them to understand the complex relationships before going to the conference. Mind maps would be perfect for this type of information visualization, however I haven’t picked a mind map application yet so I decided to outline the information instead. Using Google Docs would give me cross platform capabilities as well as the ability to share with coworkers.

The only auto-numbering function I could find in Google […]

2017-05-25T18:09:07-08:00Tags: , |

Bookmooch: Free Books from the Airport

My wife and kids read at least twice as many books as I do per year, which makes our collective used book generation pretty significant. A few months ago I signed up for the Bookmooch service to give our used books away. I was surprised at how fast books where being mooched (requested) from my list. The first one was within an hour of putting the books into my inventory. This is cool. I can’t bring myself to toss books in the garbage, so they just stack up in my office or in boxes in the garage waiting for the next garage sale where I might get a 25 cents for each one.

Bookmooch certainly sounds like a better way. Give a book away you don’t want, get one you do. There are a ton of posts and videos on how BookMooch works on Technorati (link leads to search results). If you aren’t familiar with Bookmooch this is a good place to get all the details on how to use it.

Now that books had been requested I had to package them up and send them. […]

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