
iPad Day 1 – Access to Files While On the Go

For the iPad to become my primary travel business device i must be able to access my files. I purchased the 64G version of the iPad to make sure I had enough storage for everything on my laptop, however getting the files on to the iPad was a bit of a trick. Sure there are several ways to make this happen but which one would solve the problem in the way I wanted it to work.

What I want is the ability to automatically sync files to the iPad from my desktop Mac and laptop PC. If a file is changed on any one of the three platforms (Mac, PC or iPad), the file is change on the other two platforms, automatically.

I downloaded Goodreader and PDF Reader Pro first. These both allow you to download files when you are tethered to a computer, but only as files. That is, you can’t tell it to load an entire directory. This isn’t going to work for me. They also allow you to connect to the iPad over your wireless network, mounting it like a network drive. This will allow you to copy entire directories. I tried three or four more of these types […]

2017-05-25T18:08:58-08:00Tags: , , , |

iPad Day 0 – iPad for Business?

I ordered an iPad the first weekend they were available for pre-order. Due to my heavy travel schedule I opted for the 64G 3G version, meaning I had a six-week wait for the iPad to show up. Originally I thought I would use the iPad as a super kindle. That is, a kindle with web browsing, e-mail, magazines, and books via Apple’s new bookstore. Of course I also planned to watch movies and TV on it.

For sometime now I have been thinking of converting from a PC for work to a MacBook Pro. I have used Apple products at home since the first time I used an Mac SE in the early 80’s. It was the first “portable” computer I used (I actually brought this 17 lb beast with me as carry-on luggage on many flights). I installed Vmware last year on my Mac Pro to try out all the critical PC only applications I use on a daily basis. Late last year I started looking at which version of the MacBook Pro to buy. The plan was to convert to the Mac in Feb 2010. That stalled when it became clear Apple would indeed release a tablet […]

2017-05-25T18:09:01-08:00Tags: |
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